Services & Hosting

Robust WordPress Platform

Services & Hosting - WordPress Logo

We work with WordPress, the most popular CMS on the internet, powering around 40% of all websites. It is robust and hugely versatile and extendable to just about any application you can think of, including E-Commerce.

Should you wish to change host or web developer, our sites are portable. You may also wish to work on your own site for updates and that’s fine with us. We can provide training if required.

We create clear, elegant, effective designs on the front end, backed up with all the functionality you can imagine and solid best practice management on the back end.

Extended Functionality

Some examples of how to include rich functionality in order to match your design goals.


Stripe or any supported gateway


Clubs, societies & members-only content


Dedicated email accounts


Appointments and scheduling


Manage events and ticketing


Integration with 3rd party calendars


Host your own online forum


E-Commerce solutions


Technical SEO


Visitor Information


Bulk email campaigns

NZ Domain Name Registration

We manage your domain names, or you can use your existing domain.

There has been is some movement in recent years to use .nz domains in place of We support all available domains.

We only charge a small admin fee to manage your domain names.

Services & Hosting : Top Level Domains

Website Hosting

We use reliable servers that feature impressive load times and boast 99.97% uptime.

Hosting includes virtually unlimited email accounts.

Please get in touch to discuss your needs.

Ongoing Support

When the project is complete and the dust has settled, we are still on-call for support.

All new builds include a 1 year care plan. This gives you peace of mind that everything is performing as expected.

We offer further care plans on an annual basis.

Industry Best Practice

  • Well structured sites for optimum SEO. See our article on SEO
  • Strong security to prevent your site from being hacked or hijacked by malware
  • Backups in case anything goes wrong
  • Ongoing care includes keeping all software up to date